Soul Retrieval
2 x weekends, face to face: Saturdays & Sundays 10.30 - 5pm
Maximum 12 participants
Pricing: £300
Prerequisite: Introduction to Shamanism, or equivalent
A common shamanic healing practice is soul retrieval. This practice involves working with a phenomena called 'soul loss'. This is where a person may, through some form of trauma, experience loss of a part of their pure essence. Symptoms can include emotional imbalances, or spiritual, mental, and physical difficulties and illnesses. The course will teach you a sacred healing process to restore this essence in yourself and others. The course can be both a personal healing journey and an opportunity to learn how to help others.
The course will cover:
Introduction to soul retrieval work
Finding, and working with, shamanic soul retrieval guides
Working with shamanic tools
Working with soul loss and soul theft
Introduction to soul remembrance
Integration of the healing
​This is a stand alone course. Participants, however, need to have completed an 'Introduction to Shamanism' course (or equivalent) prior to taking an a corse on soul retrieval.