The following are 10 common ways people attending the Introduction to Shamanism Course typically benefit:

Greater sense of peace, joy and being grounded;
Heightened sense of awe and wonder through greater awareness of how they are part of nature;
Learning new ways to ‘know’ and to ‘perceive’ the world around us;
Greater appreciation of the healing potential of nature;
Ability to perceive and work with personal spirit guides and teachers;
Feeling inspired to undertake a deep personal, journey of healing and growth;
New methods to work with health or personal challenges or enhance their effectiveness in their career;
New ways to re-connect with, and build your relationship to, nature;
Enhanced sense of how you can be of greater service to others;
Greater courage and inspiration to travel roads less often travelled.
"I would wholeheartedly recommend Ioan/Dawn Song, I found the weekend training I undertook both spiritual and cleansing but also grounding. It's very rare to do something which has such an entirely positive effect on your whole being and that doesn't end when the course ends." ~ Jane.